Consulate of Denmark in Kansas City, United States

Contact information Map and directions Opening hours Services available Visa information Diplomatic relations

Contact information



  • Danish Honorary Consulate in Kansas City
    # 11728 Mackey
    Overland Park
    Kansas City, KS 66210-1950
    United States

Head of mission

Karen E. Nielsen, Honorary Consul

Map and directions for the consulate

How do I contact the consulate of Denmark in Kansas City, the United States?

The consulate of Denmark in Kansas City is located at # 11728 Mackey, Overland Park and can be contacted by telephone on (913) 451 0668 and by email and The consulate of Denmark in Kansas City is supervised by the embassy of Denmark in Washington, D.C..

When is the consulate open?

The consulate of Denmark in Kansas City is open Monday to Friday by appointment. The consulate is closed during the weekend and during holidays.

Which services are offered?

The Danish consulate in Kansas City may offer a range of services and consular assistance to U.S. and Danish citizens:

Danish visa processing

Renewal and issuance of Danish passports

Notarial services and legalization

Registration of Danish individuals residing in United States

Emergency assistance to Danish citizens residing in United States

Note that honorary consulates typically offer limited consular services. Contact the consulate of Denmark in Kansas City directly to confirm which services they are able to offer. Contact the supervisory mission of the consulate, the embassy of Denmark in Washington, D.C., for consular inquiries and assistance.

Do I need a visa to enter Denmark?

U.S. citizens do not need a tourist visa to enter Denmark. Contact the consulate of Denmark in Kansas City directly to inquire about the availability of other types of visa.

No visa required to enter Denmark.

Relations between Denmark and the United States

The Danish consulate is one of 1689 foreign representations in the United States, one of 13 foreign representations in the city of Kansas City and one of 430 Danish diplomatic and consular representations located abroad.

In addition to Denmark's consulate in Kansas City, Denmark has 32 other representations in the United States. These representations include an embassy in Washington, D.C. and consulates in Anchorage, Charleston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Macon, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Mobile, Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Omaha, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, OR, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Tampa.

The United States maintains an embassy in Copenhagen.